Barbara (Barb) Sauer


I’m in search of a donor who can help me or someone else who suffers from kidney disease.

Hello Friends,

My name is Barb. In January of 2023 I found out that I have Stage 4 kidney disease. According to my doctor, once your kidneys are damaged, they will not get better. As they continue to decline, you will need to either undergo dialysis for the rest of your life or hope to get a kidney transplant from a living or deceased donor. I’m now in search of a donor who can help me or someone else who suffers from kidney disease.

Living donors are preferred to deceased donors because a living donor kidney will last about 19 years; a deceased donor kidney will only last about 11 years. Live transplanted organs also begin to function more quickly than deceased donor kidneys. A living donor donation can be scheduled almost immediately, where the wait for a deceased donor kidney could be 5 years on average or more depending on blood type. It is known that 1 in 4 Americans would donate a kidney if they knew someone needed one.

If you think you or someone you know could become a living kidney donor for me, you can contact Gina Cox, my nurse transplant coordinator, at Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Transplant Center. The phone number is 410-614-9345. Your information will be secure and confidential, and they will explain the full process about live kidney donations.

Feel free to share my need with your friends and family and post this information on all of your social media platforms. The more people who know my story, the better chance I will have in finding a new kidney. I would appreciate it if you would consider donating your kidney and/or sharing this post to get the word out for me. That would mean so much! Thank you all for the time you took to read my story. Many, many thanks for your help and consideration.


Become Barbara (Barb) Sauer's Donor

If you are considering being a living donor please use links below to contact Barbara (Barb) Sauer's Transplant Center. Begin by completing the donor questionnaire

Johns Hopkins Hospital

1800 Orleans St, Baltimore, MD, 21287

Did you know?

Medical expenses for living organ donors are 100% covered, and inquires from potential donors are 100% confidential! Contact the Transplant Center to learn more about living donation.

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