Maria Chiarelli


What do we want? A liver! When do we want it? Now! Or as soon as possible.

My name is Maria. I have been a family attorney since the day I was born. Six years ago, I was diagnosed with liver failure and have since been unable to continue helping my clients and my family. I have created this page to share my story and search for a living donor. A living donor only has to donate a small portion of their liver and then their liver will regenerate in three months.

I've lost much of the energy and focus I've had from this condition and have been unable to continue my career. This has been crushing to myself as well as the clients who rely on me. Fortunately my friends, family, and two crazy cats have continued to support me through this time.

The physical and cognitive struggles I've had would fully recover! I'd have the energy to re-enter life and support those who helped me in my time of need. A transplant would let me fully live the life I used to have, and I feel I have so much more to give to those around me.

Once a month I need to have a Paracentesis procedure, which drains fluid built up in my abdomen. This can drain nearly 10 pounds of fluid in one sitting. This is one of the medical
commitments that would be resolved once I receive a liver transplant.

I'm searching for a generous and brave person to step forward to the donation process for the chance to share the gift of life. It's a safe process and many resources will be available to support your decision. If you're unable to donate, please share this story!

I'm a huge fan of UConn Women's Basketball and love to be able to get out to Gampel Pavilion to support the Huskies.


Become Maria Chiarelli's Donor

If you are considering being a living donor please use links below to contact Maria Chiarelli's Transplant Center. Begin by completing the donor questionnaire

Yale New Haven Transplantation Center

333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT, 06520

Did you know?

Medical expenses for living organ donors are 100% covered, and inquires from potential donors are 100% confidential! Contact the Transplant Center to learn more about living donation.

More Donor FAQs

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