Constantina Arroyo


“Life is too short, with your help my life can be long”

Hello, my name is Constantina Arroyo, I am 32 years old and I have Stage 5 Kidney Disease. When I was 3 months old I was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis. I have had to get CT Scans, Ultrasounds, MRIs’ and my blood checked. This was to make sure that the medications I was on did not damage my body and that it was doing what it was supposed to do. Tuberous Sclerosis can affect many parts of the body. Like my Kidneys, Ovaries, Heart, Brain, etc. Fortunately, my heart was not affected but the others were and I have had to take medication to control my seizures and high blood pressure. Due to this disease, I now have Stage 5 Kidney Disease and need a transplant of the kidneys.

It affects my life to a great degree; I am struggling with depression and anxiety because of what I am going through. I have been prescribed antidepressants by my therapist to help stabilize me so that I don’t go to extremes and I am always tired. I have little to no energy and I struggle to get up in the morning. I struggle to have an appetite and am losing weight unintentionally. I have to get help for anything that requires bending and can’t do more than minor tasks like wiping counters. I try to go for walks but it can be a struggle due to my growing weakness. It takes a lot out of my family members who have to put up with my imbalanced emotions from where I either feel nothing at all or I feel too much, I get into altercations with others over trivial things and have lost interest in doing things I like to do.

A transplant would mean so much to me because it would give me a second chance at life and give me more time with my loved ones. I could build up my career and have a future to look forward to. I would get to see my sister and brother grow and form their own families and be more involved in family events I can’t do now.

I am without both my kidneys due to cancer in both of them and I am on dialysis. My hope is to find a living donor as soon as possible and it would mean so much to me if you could share my story with your friends and family and any forms of media you have access to. For those willing to, call the number below and help me get my life back.

Learn more about living organ donation for: Constantina Arroyo
Center for living Donors
Yale New Haven Transplantation Center
Call: 866-925-3897
Blood type: 0+


Become Constantina Arroyo's Donor

If you are considering being a living donor please use links below to contact Constantina Arroyo's Transplant Center. Begin by completing the donor questionnaire

Yale New Haven Transplantation Center

333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT, 06520

Did you know?

Medical expenses for living organ donors are 100% covered, and inquires from potential donors are 100% confidential! Contact the Transplant Center to learn more about living donation.

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