Toni Richardson

Linda Willis-Smith Needs A LIVING Kidney DONOR

Please help Linda Willis Smith locate a donor in order for her quality of life to improve.

Linda Smith is my sister and I enjoy spending time laughing, talking, and shopping with her. I admire her personality and companionship.

I can tell that her quality of life has changed as she has had limitations on the things that she likes to do such as traveling to visit our other siblings. also going on family trip. i really miss all the fun thing that we use to do.

A transplant would mean the world to Linda because her quality of life will change for the better and she can get back to doing some of the things that she is used to doing.

I am trying to assist my sister (Linda) with acquiring a living donor and hoping that she can locate one in the near future. I am hoping that this story is shared by everyone that knows her and even the people that has not made contact with her so that her quality of life will improve.


Become Linda Willis-Smith's Donor

If you are considering being a living donor please use links below to contact Linda Willis-Smith's Transplant Center. Begin by completing the donor questionnaire

University of Alabama at Birmingham

619 South 20th Street, Birmingham, AL, 35233

Did you know?

Medical expenses for living organ donors are 100% covered, and inquires from potential donors are 100% confidential! Contact the Transplant Center to learn more about living donation.

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