Hi, I’m Klaus Liebig. I was born in Northern Germany and settled with my family in the small Maryland town of St. Michaels. My wife, Ann, and I now live in Centreville, with a great community of friends and family nearby.
This year (2024) my doctor said I had a case of SAR (Something Ain’t Right.) Come to find out he was absolutely right! I was diagnosed with Cholangiocarcinoma, an extremely rare form of liver bile duct cancer that has a very nasty reputation. The first indications came from my bloodwork and discoloration of my skin due to jaundice. Through what I believe was divine intervention, I wound up spending 17 days at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore. Since then, I’ve been in the incredible care of an amazing team of oncologists at Johns Hopkins.
I quickly started treatments of chemotherapy and immunotherapy which have helped keep the cancer from spreading but have also taken its toll on my energy levels. After months and months of these alternating treatments and a round of radiation, the doctors at JH have agreed that I can be a candidate for a liver transplant. A huge hurdle for me!
The likelihood of me receiving a full liver from a cadaver is very small since there is such a low supply for the many thousands on a waiting list. My best bet is to find someone who would consider being a live donor. It only takes a small portion of someone’s liver to replace mine. Through nothing short of a miracle, the liver is an amazing organ that can fully regenerate within weeks for both the donor as well as me. This would be a lifesaver for me!
I’ve spent most of my adult life giving to others to make their lives a little better. Maybe this is my turn? No doubt that all the thoughts and prayers from others have allowed me to come this far. Each morning I say a little prayer to ask God to allow me to do something good for someone who cannot return the favor. I count my blessings every day and I realize how blessed I have been all of these years. My goal is that a partial transplant will help me achieve the ability to continue giving to others.
This would be life changing for both me and my family. There are still many things I hope to achieve in this life as well as watching my beautiful grandchildren grow up.
With the great team of doctors at Johns Hopkins and the good Lord watching over me, my hopes remain optimistic. If you or someone you know would consider being a partial donor, my family and I would be eternally grateful.
The best chance I have of finding a donor is through “getting the word out." I am very shy when it comes to asking for help from others, even though my life depends on it. My three children have been very supportive and are also helping me find a donor.
Although we may have never met, I am asking to please consider spreading the word to help me find a partial liver donor. There is a process that qualifies anyone who might be interested. I only need one! Thank you for your kindness. God Bless!
If you are considering being a living donor please use links below to contact Klaus Liebig's Transplant Center. Begin by completing the donor questionnaire
Did you know?
Medical expenses for living organ donors are 100% covered, and inquires from potential donors are 100% confidential! Contact the Transplant Center to learn more about living donation.
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