Garrett Baltzer


After living with an incurable liver disease for 15 years, I look forward to seeing what life will look like free from this disease!

My name is Garrett, I’m 33 and I’m a high school math teacher. I first got sick right before I was supposed to leave for college at 18 and had to stay home until I was finally diagnosed with UC and then a year later PSC (liver disease). After having my colon removed during college, I was finally healthy enough to finish and left Virginia Tech with a BS in Mathematics and a Masters in education!

I’ve been dealing with liver disease for the last 15 years. I try my best to live a normal healthy life, but recently had to give up coaching HS baseball because I couldn’t physically keep up with it or the kids.

After dealing with this for so long, I don’t remember what it’s like to feel truly healthy. I’ve gotten so used to feeling zapped of energy, that I can’t imagine how great it must feel to not be dragging all day.
I would love to start a family one day, but that has always come secondary to my health. Having something of this magnitude looming in my future makes certain ideas and wants seem impractical or unattainable. A new liver would give me a whole new lease on life and I could hopefully get back the things I’ve had to give up on.

The only cure for PSC is a transplant, and the most successful outcomes come from living donation. If you have any interest in finding out more information, you can confidentially respond and get more details! The best way for me to find someone willing to go through this with me is through networking, so any help in spreading my story would be so appreciated.


Become Garrett Baltzer's Donor

If you are considering being a living donor please use links below to contact Garrett Baltzer's Transplant Center. Begin by completing the donor questionnaire

Johns Hopkins Hospital

1800 Orleans St, Baltimore, MD, 21287

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Medical expenses for living organ donors are 100% covered, and inquires from potential donors are 100% confidential! Contact the Transplant Center to learn more about living donation.

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