I am writing this on behalf of my sister-in-law Linda Riso. Linda is far too humble and totally unaccustomed to asking for help so her family and friends who love her dearly are stepping in to ask for help on her behalf. Linda has a hereditary disease called hemochromatosis which has essentially destroyed her liver. She needs a liver transplant and living donor would be her best option. She doesn't have alot of time and the cadaver list is very long. Many don't realize that you can donate a part of your liver and your liver will regenerate quickly. Her brother, my husband, went through the process to donate a part of his liver but it was determined that he wasn't a viable candidate. It was devestating news. Her other siblings have health problems that deny them the opportunity so we are hoping for other possible donors to come forward. It all starts with learning about the process.
Linda was diagnosed with liver failure in 2019. Her life is barely recognizable with the agonizing pain, the frequent trips to the hospital for life saving blood transfusions and constant doctor's appointments. Even with all this, Linda still holds down a full time job although there are days she can barely mange to get out of bed. To say she is an amazing individual is a gross understatement. She is a loving wife, step-mom, grandmother, sister, daughter and aunt to many nieces and nephews. She lives in her home with her husband Mike and their 5 large dogs and 4 donkeys. She loves her animals and they love her back unconditionally. She has always been the kind of person I have aspired to be. She can do anything she sets her mind to. Above all she is a kind, hard-working woman who has suffered greatly over the past few years and she deserves a chance to live to carry on with all the good work she has done throughout her life. This world is a better place with Linda in it and selfishly, we want to do everything we can to make sure she stays in our lives.
A transplant for Linda would mean a chance to bring about the love she has for her animals into a wonderful opportunity for children with special needs. She would love to start a program with her donkeys. There isn't anything Linda can't accomplish when she puts her mind to it. She has always worked in the medical field and thoroughly enjoys helping people. Animals are a passion of Linda's and as sick as she is, she still takes exceptional care of her 4 German Shepherds, Lab and 4 donkeys. Most healthy people couldn't do what she does but most people are not Linda.
I want people to know that saving Linda's life is possible with a living donor. Anybody interested in more information can confidentially start the donation process by getting more information. Anyone can help by sharing Linda's story. There so much negativity spread on social media. Here's a chance to get the word out and possibly save a life.
If you are considering being a living donor please use links below to contact Linda Riso's Transplant Center. Begin by completing the donor questionnaire
333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT, 06520
Did you know?
Medical expenses for living organ donors are 100% covered, and inquires from potential donors are 100% confidential! Contact the Transplant Center to learn more about living donation.
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Linda and her tenacious personality have allowed her to be succesful despite adversity, and to be a fighter, despite how sick she feels.
I hope and pray that with scientific advances that we will beable to clone a piece of a healthy person's liver.
My sister Linda is a very smart, driven and accomplished women who deserves another chance at getting her life back. It's been a very long road!!!
Be a part of the journey in helping Linda move forward with getting her health back.